Library Policies

Eastern Provincial Library Policies

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Co llection Development Policy.

1.Mission Statement

A culture of reading and using information for personal and national development through the provision of library and information services to the public, schools, colleges and teacher resource centres.

2. Purpose of Collection

Development Policy

The Collection Development Policy, approved by the Library Committee, is one of the Library’s fundamental policy documents. It outlines the philosophies that create and shape the Eastern Provincial Library’s unique collection, the practices that maintain it over time and the guidelines that help the collection respond to the general public needs while protecting the collection from societal and political pressures. The Collection Development Policy ensures that over time, the Eastern Provincial Library’s collection will remain on course, reflecting the needs of all the libraries in the province while creating unique experiences of meaning and inspiration for the individual library user.

Philosophy and Scope of the Collection

The Eastern Provincial Library collects materials in various formats to meet the information needs of a metropolitan population. This includes school library materials for students and teachers. The library monitors customer use and uses this information to purchase new items and provide additional copies of high-demand items. The library's strategic plan guides the selection of materials to ensure a diverse range of viewpoints and create an exceptional community-based information center. The library collects materials in fields such as psychology, sociology, mathematics, engineering, health education, government publications, agriculture, business, and design and technology. Daily newspapers are also stocked to keep the public informed about current affairs.The Eastern Provincial Library values and respects each customer, providing materials that support their personal journeys without favoritism. They believe in the right of individuals to access information, even if it is controversial or unorthodox. The library also caters to the needs of children and teenagers, aiming to broaden their perspectives and foster an appreciation for literature while respecting the role of parents in guiding their reading and viewing activities.

Adult Collection

The library has a diverse collection of fiction books, including modern works, international literature, classics, and important past novels. The goal is to have fiction that represents the cultural and ethnic community it serves and meets the recreational needs of its users. For non-fiction books, the library aims to provide a core of basic knowledge and also selects materials that address contemporary issues, provide self-help information, support continuing education and job-related skills, increase knowledge of community, national, and global affairs, and support undergraduate and course work. The library also supports business, cultural, recreational, and civic interests in the community and helps nourish intellectual, aesthetic, creative, and spiritual growth. It also presents different viewpoints on various issues.

Children’s Collection

The children's Collection aims to promote lifelong reading by offering a wide range of materials in different formats that cater to the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of children from infancy through 12th grade. The selection of materials takes into consideration the emotional and intellectual maturity of children at different stages. Additionally, the collection provides adults with resources related to children's well-being, supplements preschool and school curriculum, and supports the study of children's literature.

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Online Collection

The online collection at the Library represents a wide range of viewpoints and interests from the community it serves. It includes databases like Encarta, eBooks, and other downloadable materials. These online databases provide timely access to electronic information that enhances reference services. Some of the databases contain specialized information that is not available in print, and they are easily accessible both online and offline.

Reference Collection

The library has a reference collection that is used to answer questions and provide information to library users. Reference sources are characterized by their ability to provide information and summarize topics. These sources remain in the library and are easily accessible to all citizens. The selection criteria for reference sources include accuracy, arrangement, ease-of-use, uniqueness of information, authority, documentation, and indexing. Types of reference sources include bibliographies, indexes, newspapers, dictionaries, catalogs, yearbooks, statistical compendia, atlases, gazetteers, biographical dictionaries, and almanacs. These sources provide specific information rather than being read consecutively. Reference sources such as encyclopedias, histories, handbooks, abstracts, and special reports condense and summarize information for research purposes. The reference collection at the Eastern Provincial Library contains standard works in various subjects such as general reference, social sciences, education, sciences, history, and technology. It also has extensive collections in business and economics information.


The Eastern Provincial Library keeps a collection of pamphlets on specific subjects to enhance their reference service. These pamphlets contain up-to-date information on current topics and are also used to quickly find information on frequently requested subjects for students and teachers..


The Eastern Provincial Library acknowledges that schools and universities have a duty to ensure their students have access to the necessary textbooks. To fulfill this responsibility, the library acquires textbooks required for these educational institutions' curricula. Additionally, the library also acquires certain textbooks that are necessary for research purposes and provide an extensive or introductory understanding of various subjects.

Special Collections, Government and NGO’s publications

The Library collects and stores publications like government gazettes and United Nations publications. This is done in order to provide civic information to teachers, students, and the public.

Frequently Asked Questions

Joining the library is easy! Simply visit our website and fill out the online registration form.

We are open from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm, and on Saturday from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

Yes, we offer a wide selection of e-books that you can borrow and read on your preferred device.

Absolutely! We have dedicated study spaces equipped with comfortable seating and free Wi-Fi.

No, we do not charge late fees. However, we encourage you to return items on time to allow others to enjoy them.


Books in Collection


Digital Resources


Community Members

Access to a vast collection of books, e-books, audiobooks, and more.

Engaging events, workshops, and exhibitions for all ages and interests.

State-of-the-art technology and digital resources for research and learning.

Dedicated study spaces with comfortable seating and free Wi-Fi.

Expert staff to assist with research, recommendations, and technology support.

Community-focused programs that foster connections and inspire lifelong learning.

Join the Eastern Provincial Library Today!

Scope of the Eastern Provincial Library

The Eastern Provincial Library is a central library that serves the entire eastern province. It also acts as a key center for school libraries in the province. The library houses both fiction and nonfiction collections, including materials that are enduring and of current interest. The collections are diverse and represent the varied viewpoints and interests of the community. The reference collections contain non-circulating publications, both current and historical, including periodicals like newspapers. These resources support extensive reference services for the general public, including business people, students, and teachers.

Scope of the School Libraries

School libraries are supported by the Eastern provincial library and cater to the needs of their respective school communities. The library staff consistently assesses the collection to ensure its appropriateness and usefulness. The focus of the collections in school libraries is on highly interesting materials and resources that align with the school curriculum.

Selection Criteria

Collection development involves the selection of materials for a library's collection based on certain criteria. These criteria include the relevance of the materials to the interests and needs of the general public, the extent of publicity and critical review, current or anticipated demand, the current or historical significance of the author or subject, and the local significance of the author or subject. The suitability of the format to library circulation and use, the date of publication, and the price, availability, and library materials budget are also taken into consideration. Donated materials may be considered if they align with the interests and needs of the library users. The librarian has the right to refuse donations if they do not meet the users' interests or to accept them based on the relevance of the materials to the users.

Customer Recommendations

Customers can ask the library for items that are not currently in their collection. These requests are evaluated by the librarian to determine if they should be added to the library's collection or obtained through Interlibrary Loan. The librarian decides how to deliver the requested materials based on specific criteria.

Requests for Reconsideration

The Eastern Provincial Library carefully chooses materials for their collection based on specific criteria and takes into account the diverse age groups and backgrounds of their customers. If someone wants to have an item removed from the collection, there is a formal procedure in place for discarding materials.

Collection Management

Philosophy of Collection Management

The library continually updates its collection by adding new items and removing those that are no longer valuable. The librarian manages the collection and ensures its usefulness to the community. The library committee has the final say, and materials are disposed of based on criteria like condition, relevance, demand, and availability. The library may donate withdrawn materials to schools and prisons.


Donations of books and other materials are welcomed by the Eastern Provincial Library. The Library reserves the right to accept or decline any gifts. The Librarian holds the sole responsibility in deciding how the donations will be utilized, stored, and ultimately distributed, such as providing unwanted materials to schools or prisons.

Conservation of the Library Collection

The library staff regularly reviews and updates the library's collection to make sure it remains useful and relevant to the community. This process relies on the staff's professional knowledge and understanding of the community's needs. Materials that are no longer valuable are removed from the collection. Reasons for discarding library materials may include outdated information, low demand, or physical deterioration.

1. Obsolescence: subject matter is no longer timely, accurate, or relevant ü Damage or poor condition

2.Space limitations / Insufficient use: The last copy of a work in the library system is evaluated in terms of its value to the community, with consideration to the following:
-Local interest
-Reputation of author, publisher, producer, illustrator
-Significance as identified in standard bibliographies
- Uniqueness of information for research.


Replacement of materials withdrawn is not automatic. The decision to replace is influenced by:

1.Availability of copies in the system
2. Popular interest
3. Adequacy of coverage in the subject area
4. Significance in subject area
5.Cost and availability.


The decision to bind materials is made with consideration to the same factors involved in replacement. In addition, the following should influence the decision to bind:

1. Adverse impact on circulation because of appearance Feasibility of binding

2.Cost of binding vs. cost of replacement .

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Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:30pm